The order of reviewing manuscripts established by the editorial Board of the scientific-methodical journal "Bulletin of the Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N. G. Stoletovs. Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences" ("Bulletin VlSU. Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences") 1. Each manuscript submitted to the editorial office of the Journal must pass through the procedure of additional review. 2. At the discretion of the authors, when submitting an article to the editorial board of the Journal, an external review may be submitted, which, however, does not exclude the usual order of review. The review is signed by the specialist with the decipherment of the surname, name and patronymic, date stamping, the indication of the academic degree, the academic rank and the position occupied by the reviewer; the signature is certified. An article sent to the editorial office may be accompanied by a letter from the sending organization signed by its head (deputy). 3. The manuscript of a scientific article submitted to the editorial office of the Journal is reviewed by the editor-in-chief for correspondence of the manuscript to the profile of the Journal, the requirements for registration, and sent for peer review. 4. Review is carried out by one or two members of the editorial board of the Journal, having the scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article. The editorial board has the right to involve external reviewers (doctors or candidates of sciences, including practitioners with recognized authority and working in the field of knowledge, to which the contents of the manuscript belong). 5. The review is conducted confidentially. Information about the reviewer is anonymous to the authors and is intended only for the editorial board and the VAK commission. 6. The review should objectively evaluate the scientific article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological merits and shortcomings. The review is compiled according to the form established by the editorial board or in a free form, with the obligatory use of a number of criteria, including: compliance of the content of the article with the profile and scientific requirements of the journal; clarity of the title of the article; the relevance of the topic presented by the article; the scientific novelty of the formulation of the problem and the effectiveness of its solution; interest in the topic of specialists and a wide range of readers; the importance of ideas, regulations, data, conclusions and recommendations presented in the article for the practice of education; reliance on authoritative sources, scientific literature; correctness of the use of data from empirical studies (including those performed by the author himself); the admissibility of the volume of the manuscript as a whole and its individual elements (text, tables, illustrative material, bibliographic references); the feasibility of placing in the article tables, illustrative material and their correspondence to the selected topic; quality of article design - style, terminology, wording. 7. The final part of the review should contain substantiated conclusions about the manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation on the appropriateness of its publication in the journal, or on the need for its revision. In the case of a negative evaluation of the manuscript as a whole (recommendation on the inexpediency of publication), the reviewer must justify his conclusions. 8. In case of a non-compliance of the manuscript with one or more criteria, the reviewer points out in the review the need to finalize the article and makes recommendations to the author for improving the manuscript (indicating the author's mistakes and errors). 9. Based on the results of the review, the article may be: а) accepted for publication б) sent to the author for revision An article accepted for publication but in need of revision is sent to the authors with the comments of the reviewer. The authors must make all necessary corrections to the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text to the editors, as well as its identical electronic version along with the original version and the accompanying reply letter to the reviewer. After the finalization, the article is re-reviewed, and the editorial board decides on the possibility of publication. Articles sent to authors for correction must be returned to the editor not later than 7 calendar days after receipt. The return of the article at a later date changes the date of publication. в) rejected It is not allowed to publish articles that are not drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the editorial board, whose authors refuse to update the articles; articles, the authors of which do not fulfill the constructive remarks of the reviewer or do not reasonably refute them. 10. If the author disagrees with the comments of the reviewer, he can apply for a second review or withdraw an article, which is recorded in the registration journal. 11. The decision on whether to publish an article after reviewing is decided by the editor-in-chief and, if necessary, at a meeting of the editorial board on the formation of the next issue of the journal. 12. The editors of the journal do not store manuscripts not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned. Manuscripts that received a negative result from the reviewer are not published and also are not returned to the author. 13. At the request of the author, extracts from the opinions of reviewers can be provided by e-mail. 14. The average time for consideration of articles is 2-3 months. The author is notified on acceptance or non-acceptance of works at his request by e-mail. 15. The editors do not disclose information concerning the manuscript (including information on its receipt, content, review process, reviewers critical remarks and final decision), to anyone other than the authors and reviewers themselves. 16. Not subject to review: - articles of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, if the member of the Academy is the only one, or the first of the authors of the publication; - scientific reports heard at congresses, conferences, etc., as well as resolutions (decisions) of the forums, recommended for publication by members of the editorial board of the Journal and designed in the form of articles; – interviews and reports from Round tables, Conferences, etc.; – information, image articles, messages and announcements. |
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Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых 2009-2025 |