PUBLICATION ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES IN THE SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL JOURNAL «BULLETIN OF THE VLADIMIR STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER A. G. AND N. G. STOLETOVS. SERIES: PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES»The editorial board and the editor rely on the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and take into consideration the valuable experience of the reputable international journals publishing companies.
The principles of ethical behavior are obligatory for all parties involved in the process of the scientific publication: authors, reviewers, editorial board and editor of the journal.
The observance of these ethical rules promotes the security of the author’s rights for the intellectual ownership and the quality of the publication on the international level.
These principles meet the requirements of the journal policy and serve as a basis for the reviews.
The ethical principles for the author of the scientific publication The article is supposed to contain new scientific results which were not published anywhere else.
The authors should realize that they take personal responsibility for the copyright material. The author ought to:
1. Present reliable results of their scientific research. Untruthful and fraudulent statements constitute unethical behavior which is considered unacceptable.
2. Take part in the process of the expert assessment of the manuscript. The editor-in-chief may ask about the original data of the publication and the author should be ready to provide this information if it is possible (the author has to preserve original data during a reasonable period of time).
3. Make sure that the results of the research represent author’s own original work. If the author has used the work or words of other authors, it should be appropriately cited or quoted. According to 3.4., all publications must be plagiarism checked. Copying and paraphrasing of substantial parts of the results of other scientists’ research are extremely unethical and unacceptable. The works which are a compilation of the materials of other authors published before are not accepted by the editorial board. 4. Realize the primary responsibility for the novelty and the authenticity of the results of the scientific research.
5. Acknowledge the contribution of all people who influenced the research. All references to Russian and foreign publications should be made. All citation of authorities must be given. The information taken from the private conversation, by correspondence and discussing with other persons mustn’t be used without the author’s an open written permission provision. All the sources must be opened. Even if written and illustrated material of a great number of people was used the author of the article must submit their permission to the editorial board.
6. Submit the original manuscript which was not sent to other journals and was not published in other journals. It is considered as unethical behavior. If some parts of this work were published before, the author should mention it, refer to the earlier one and point out the differences between those two works. The copying or paraphrasing of the author’s own works is unacceptable. They might be used as a basis for their new conclusions.
7. Ensure the correct list of the co-workers. All authors must be mentioned along with the co-workers who significantly contributed to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. The author has to be grateful to all people who took part in some aspects of the work. The author should be sure that all co-workers have read the final version of the publication. All co-workers ought to be responsible for the contents of the publication. If the publication is multidisciplinary, each co-worker takes responsibility for his/her own contribution. All those who have not made any significant contributions to the research should not be listed as co-workers.
8. When the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his own work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the editor-in-chief or the editorial board and correct the publication. Joint decision of the error acknowledgements or its correction must be decided as soon as possible. If the editorial board gets to know about the fact of containing a significant error from other non interested persons, the author should cut it out immediately or correct or provide evidence of the information correctness to the editorial board.
9. To indicate all the financing sources of the manuscripts, point out all possible conflicts of interests which can influence the research results, its interpretation and the reviewers’ inferences.
The ethical principles for the reviewers The reviewer as an expert on behalf of the publishers exercises scientific examining of the author’s work to determine a possibility to publish these materials in the journal. Therefore, the reviewing should be unbiased and conducted according to the following principles:
1. The reviewer’s assessment should help the author to improve the quality of the publication and help the editor to make a decision about the publishing.
2. If the reviewer does not have enough qualification in this field or he is sure that he will not be able to review the work, he has to inform the editor about it.
3. The author of the publication cannot be a reviewer, as well as his co-workers, scientific advisors or his colleagues.
4. Any manuscripts received for reviewing must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be discussed with others except for those who are authorized by the editor-in-chief.
5. The reviewing should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is considered inappropriate. Experts have to express their opinions clearly and with supporting arguments.
6. If it is possible, the reviewer should clearly recognize the works published before which are not quoted by the author. The reviewer has to pay the editor’s attention to some similarities of the publication to other works which have been published before. 7. The reviewer should not use the data and information from this publication in his own research. These materials must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
8. If the reviewer has conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative and other relationships and connections with any of the authors or institutions related to a manuscript under review, he should report this information to the editor-in-chief.
The ethical principles of the editorial board The editorial board, the publishing house and the members editorial council are responsible for promulgation of authors’ works which follows the necessity of obeying the basic principles:
1. The editor-in-chief while deciding to publish the research articles should be guided with reliable data scientific importance of the work.
2. The editor-in-chief mustn’t have any conflicts of interest according to rejected or accepted articles.
3. The editor-in-chief is responsible for choosing which articles will be accepted to publication and which won’t be. Wherein he is guided with the ethic of the journal and keeps legal restrictions while avoiding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor-in-chief can consult with he members of the editorial board and reviewers.
4. The editor-in-chief charges the manuscript according to its scientific importance without reference to the author’s racial, gender, religious, national, civil, origin, social status or political preferences.
5. The editor-in-chief and the members of the editorial board should keep all the information connected with the article and disclose its information nobody except the author (s), nominated or possible reviewer, if necessary to the publisher.
6. Data not published, taken from the sent manuscripts ready to publishing, mustn’t be used by the editor-in-chief, the members of the editorial board, the editorial and publishing group and by members of the editorial council for their person goals or be passed to other persons (without author’s written agreement). .
7. The editor-in-chief mustn’t allow publishing the work if there are good reasons it to be plagiarism.
8. Accepted article to publishing are placed in the public domain with keeping the authors copyrights.
9. Claims concerning the considered and published of the manuscripts shouldn’t leave unanswered by the editor-in-chief as well as by the publisher. While having conflict of interests they must take all the necessary measures to restore the violated rights. When the errors are detected they must promote the publication of corrections and rebuttals.
10. The editor-in-chief, the members of the editorial and publishing group and the members of the editorial board of the journal must provide the reviewers’ names and other information confidentiality. If necessary while inviting a new reviewer the information of the previous ones may be announced.
The ethical principle of the publisher The publisher is responsible for the promulgation of the authors’ works that’s why he should follow the basic principles and procedures:
1. Promote implementation of the editorial board duties, editorial council, reviewers and authors in accordance with given demands.
2. Support the editorial board to consider ethical claims, to cooperate with other journals or (and) publishing houses, if it facilitates the performance of editorial duties. 3. Provide research work authors’ confidentiality up to its publication.
4. Be aware of non commercial and non-profit making journal activity.
5. Be aware of potential profit of advertisement doesn’t influence publishing making decision.
6. Be ready all the time to publish corrections, explanations, rebuttals and excuses when necessary.
7. Provide the editorial board an opportunity to cut down publications contained plagiarism and unreliable data.
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Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых 2009-2025 |