Periodicity of journal release is 4 times a year. Release schedule
General requirements for the design of materials provided for publication in the journal: The content of the article should correspond to the topic, the scientific level of the journal and of scientific interest. The material proposed for publication should be original, not published earlier in other printed publications. The title of the article should correspond to its content. The author is responsible for: the repeated publication in the journal of previously published material, and the accuracy of the reproduction of names, citations, formulas. Author's materials that are accepted for publication: • scientific (practical) articles; • scientific reports, analytical articles; • reviews (review articles, information on scientific events);/p> • critique. The volume of the sent material must be at least 15,000 and not more than 35,000 characters, including spaces: • Microsoft Word editor; • font Times New Roman; • size 14 normal, • text without hyphenation; • line spacing is 1.5 (computer); • alignment in width; • fields of 2 cm on each side • indention - 1 cm; • references to the literature are written in square brackets; • list of references is at the end of the text (included in the total volume of the article); • The list of literature should be provided both in Russian and in Roman alphabet (Latin alphabet). The published information in Russian and English should be placed in the same file with the article in the following order: • title, containing Universal Decimal Classification; title of the article, surname, name, patronymic (abbreviated) of the author / authors; • after the title of the article the text of annotation and keywords should be in Russian; • key words – 5-10 words; • text of the article with the structure that is written below; • an indication of a grant or government task; • the captive list of literature is arranged in alphabetical order: first - Russian-language sources, then - in foreign languages; links in the text are registered in square brackets with the reference number in the list and page / pages; the number of reference numbers in the text should correspond to the number of sources; page footnotes are not allowed; • References - the sources are arranged in a general alphabetical order without numbering: foreign sources are in the original language, Russian sources are in Latin Footnotes and references are made in accordance with GOST 7.5-2008 (Bibliographic reference) (without a separating shooting gallery). It is mandatory to specify the publisher, as well as the total number of pages in the source and the interval of pages for journal articles and publications in collections. The number of sources in the reference bibliographic list is no more than 35, including the presence for the last 3-5 years. It is necessary to include links to foreign sources. Self-citation is not welcome and should be limited to the necessary minimum. All authors of each publication should be specified in both Russian and English sources which are included in the list of references (no more than 3; if there are more authors – etc.). • at the end of an article in English initials and surname of the author; the title, summary, keywords should be brought. The manuscripts not accepted in the press are not returned. Contents and structure of an article The main contents of research article are formed with adherence for the following structure (whenever possible): • introduction; • the statement of a problem, the article’s purpose, the review of scientific literature on a problem; • methodology and methods of the research; • results of a research, discussion; • the conclusion (conclusions according to article purpose, an author's contribution); • • the reference to a number of a subject of the state task or number of a grant within which article is executed. • copies of all graphics which is contained in data – drawings, schemes (JPEG TIFF, permission should be not less than 300 dpi) and also formulas and tables; all graphic materials have to be entitled and numbered; the reference in the text on graphic materials is obligatory; names of tables, drawings have to be followed by the translation into English that allows to increase readability of articles for foreign authors; • the information about the author in Russian and in English, including: surname, name and patronymic, place of work and position, scientific degree and title (with specialty), telephone number, postal code and e-mail address for correspondence. All information should be provided without abbreviations. There is a request to the authors to send a set of materials in full, otherwise materials are not accepted for publication, they will not be reviewed and returned. /p>
The quality of the content is evaluated by reviewers. Publication fee is not charged. Articles of post-graduate students are accepted for consideration together with a review of the supervisor (head of the Department). Royalties to authors are not paid. Authors will be sent a PDF version of the journal. Authors are encouraged to subscribe to the journal. The position of editorial Board may not coincide with the author’s point of view. The editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles. Conditions of publication in the journal "Bulletin of the Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs. Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences" 1. Scientific-methodical journal "The Bulletin of the Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs. Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Science” publishes articles, reviews, and other materials (informational, critical, discussion)./p> 2. Publication frequency: 4 issues per year 3. Articles of post-graduate students and Ph. D. candidates are accepted by the editorial Board for consideration only together with a review (original or scanned copy) of the scientific director or lead specialist in the relevant branch of science certified by the signature and signet of the organization where the reviewer works. The submitted manuscript is sent for review to specialists in this field of research. The articles that have been reviewed are accepted for publication. The decision to publish is made by the editorial Board of the journal on the basis of expert assessments of reviewers with regard to the relevant submissions thematic scope of the journal, their scientific significance and relevance. 4. Manuscript received negative feedback, the decision of the editorial Board rejected. Needs work the article is sent back together with the comments of the reviewer. The author has to take into account all comments and make changes to the electronic version of the text, noting their place, after that the article is returned to the editorial board, where it is reviewed once again. The author should briefly and clearly substantiate his position in case of disagreement with the reviewer. 5. The editorial Board reserves the right to reject without review the articles that do not meet the profile of the journal or issued in violation of the rules. 6. The authors of published articles are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, statistics, proper names and other information, as well as for the content of materials which are not subject to public publication. 7. Articles of postgraduate students are published out of turn taking into account the completeness of the editorial portfolio. Graduate students status must be confirmed by a certificate (the original) about studying in the graduate school / the graduate school, signed by the head of the organization (or Department of postgraduate studies / postgraduate studies) and seal. Without the document the manuscript is not accepted for consideration. 8. Graduate student article is considered to be a scientific study in which he/she is acting as the sole author. 9. The publication is in accordance with the release schedule of the journal in with the deadlines for receipt of materials and their output. |
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Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых 2009-2025 |