![]() Dear colleagues, readers and authors
of the Scientific-methodological journal
“Bulletin of Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs.
Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences”
Our scientific-methodological journal has a rich history. It has been published since 1995 and it is the assignee of the journal “Bulletin of VGGU (Vladimir State University for the Humanities). Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences” which had been in the Nomenclature of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals since 2010 where the main scientific results of dissertations for Candidates of Sciences and Doctors of Sciences in psychology and education were published.
In 2011 after the joining of Vladimir State University for the Humanities to Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs the journal got another title but remained in the Nomenclature of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals (which was enacted on December 1, 2015). Nowadays the journal is the peer-reviewed scientific-methodological publication where articles by authors from different Russian regions and foreign countries are published.
More than one thousand scientific articles have been published in the journal since the day of its foundation. Nowadays the journal accepts to publication the results of theoretical and applied investigations in important educational and psychological problems, organizations of socio-cultural work in specialties:
19.00.05 – Social Psychology (psychological sciences; until 16.10.2022); 19.00.13 – Developmental psychology, acmeology (psychological sciences; until 16.10.2022); 5.3.4. – Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences); 5.8.1. – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences); 5.8.2. – Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by fields and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences); 5.8.7. – Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences). The aim of the journal is to represent home and foreign scientific schools, which determine the state of modern psychological-pedagogical knowledge, reflect the character of scientific discussions, and reveal the perspectives of the development of pedagogy and psychology helping ideological consolidation of scientists and educators-practical workers for solving important scientific problems in the sphere of fundamental and applied investigations. In the journal there are materials which introduce readers to true information in perspective and important scientific achievements which are connected with various aspects of innovative education and which have theoretical and practical value in real conditions of the development of Russian and also international investigations in the field of various psychological-pedagogical problematics.
The permanent thematic sections of the journal are methodology of pedagogy and education; history of pedagogy and education; actual problems of contemporary pedagogy and education; professional education; special and social pedagogy and psychology; actual problems of psychology; the floor to young researchers; scientific life: chronicle, commentaries, reviews; our authors; information for authors.
The journal is meant for the wide range of readers: research workers, faculty members, postgraduate students, Master’s degree students, educational researchers, representatives of psychological-pedagogical community.
Editor-in-chief of the journal Doctor of Educational Sciences, professor, Elena N. Seliverstova Scientific biography and field of research interests Seliverstova Elena Nikolaevna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, the head of the department of pedagogy of the Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov (VLSU), honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
E. Seliverstova’s general experience in scientific-pedagogical activity is about 40 years, including more than 35 years of work experience in teaching at VLSU.
E. Seliverstova graduated with honors degree from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute named after P.I. Lebedev-Polyansky. She was a teacher of mathematics at school №23 of Vladimir, lecturer at the department of pedagogy at Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute, the head of the department of pedagogy and psychology at Teachers' Training Institute of Vladimir Region. From 1979 till 1982 she was a full-time postgraduate student of the Institute of General Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, USSR. She carried out an experimental study of teaching approaches as technological elements of general didactic methods of teaching, and in 1982 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on this topic under the supervision of I. Lerner.
From 1992 up till now E. Seliverstova heads the department of pedagogy of Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute, which in 2011 was joined to Vladimir State University. As the head of the department of pedagogy E. Seliverstova makes a significant contribution to the development of continuous pedagogical education of the region. She is the initiator and organizer of the master's program at Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute in the field of "Pedagogical Education", the organizer and the chairman of the Dissertation Council of thesis defense in doctoral and candidate degrees in the field of specialty 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education at Vladimir State Humanitarian Institute (2008-2012), the member of the Council for Innovation Work in the Education System of the Department of Education of the Administration of Vladimir Region, the initiator and organizer of interregional pedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of I. Lerner which traditionally has taken place in Vladimir since 1997 and still attract the constant interest of the pedagogical community. These readings have become a platform for productive pedagogical discussions for Russian scientists and teachers. E. Seliverstova is a well-known scientist in Russian Federation, a continuer of the traditions of the scientific school of I. Lerner, M. Skatkin, V. Krayevsky, the head and organizer of scientific research in the field of didactic problems, in particular the theory and technology of innovative teaching, an expert of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research. Since 1996 under her supervision the scientific and practical laboratory of modern pedagogical technologies has worked productively, combining on the basis of VLSU the efforts of educators, teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions in order to study the dynamics and main trends in the development of modern pedagogical technologies and their introduction in the modern educational process. E. Seliverstova is an active member of the Scientific Council focusing on the problems of didactics of the department of philosophical education and theoretical pedagogy of Russian Academy of Education (RAE), carrying out scientific cooperation in the field of didactic research, organization of Russian and international conferences on the basis of VLSU. Nine Candidate and One Doctoral thesis were defended under her supervision.
E. Seliverstova has made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of modern pedagogical knowledge, engaged in the conceptualization of scientific ideas about the developmental function of teaching, and also in the creation of theoretical and methodological grounds for enhancing the scientific status of the developmental function of teaching as a part of didactic knowledge. Thanks to her research in home didactics, the transition from comprehending the developmental function of teaching as a phenomenon of pedagogical activity, to identifying it as an independent didactic object, also requiring inclusion in the structure of a conceptual and terminological apparatus of pedagogy was implemented. E. Seliverstova has created a structural model of the developmental function of education. As for didactics, she carried out a pedagogical interpretation of psychological views on the relationship between learning and development, justified and described the qualitative heterogeneity of the goals of intellectual development of schoolchildren in teaching. It was proved that the principle of subjectivity is the basis for understanding the content of education as a basic didactic tool for the realization of developing essence of teaching. Thus, she has distinguished the set of didactic requirements for the formation of educational content providing planned levels of intellectual development for schoolchildren. Moreover, she has identified and characterized approaches to the comparative analysis of the level of intellectual development of pupils which can be provided by various types of learning (traditional teaching, problem-development teaching, personality-based teaching).
E. Seliverstova has over 140 publications. She is a scientific editor and co-editor of collections of scientific and scientific-practical works, the author and co-author of 7 monographs, 10 teaching manuals which are used in continuous pedagogical education. Among Seliverstova’s most important publications are the monographs: "From school of knowledge to school of creation" (2008), "Modern schooling: on the way to technological renovation" (2015, scientific editor and co-author); teaching manuals: "Modern didactics: from school of knowledge to school of creation "(2009); " Didactics at the eve of epochs (ХХ-XXI centuries), a course of lectures for systems of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education" (2010, co-authored with L. Perminova), " Pedagogical theories and systems " (2012, the stamp of the Federal Methodical Teaching Section in Education in the field of teacher training, editor and co-author), "Innovative processes in school education" (2014, the stamp of the Federal Methodical Teaching Section in Education in the field of teacher training, editor and co-author); articles in journal "Pedagogy": "Developing function of education: conceptual design" (2003), "Developing function of teaching: a modern didactic view" (2006), "Subjectivity as a principle of the systematization of modern didactic knowledge" (2013) and in other peer-reviewed Russian journals.
E-mail: eseliver@mail.ru
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Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых 2009-2025 |